Friday 1 March 2019

WEEK 0_ Before First Class 3 images

a. My best piece of creative work

This was my 3D model I did during my Foundation year at UNSW. I had to explore three dimensional positive and negative space. Then I created the structural form using one of the principles known as "movement". The small forms are following the movement of the larger form. It is made of polypropylene.

b. A great piece of Architecture

This is one of my favourite piece of Architecture which is designed by Glenn Murcutt, one of the Australia's most famous architects. The design has a great ventilation system and it is very lightly touching to the ground. He built this for the original people of  the Australia known as the Aboriginals. The idea behind this building comes from the Aboriginal ethics which is "Touching the Earth lightly".

c. An original photograph of something beautiful

This was the picture I took in 2016 while I was looking out my window during the preparation for the school assessments. It is the sunset view during the start of cool weather- at the beginning of May.

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